Dead Kennedy's "What Shall I Wear Tonight? 1978 Demos" LP
MinamataYou can feel the energy emanating from these rare, almost-lost recordings of heroic San Francisco punks the Dead Kennedys. Laid down in 1978, the same year the band got together, it's hard to work out what's more remarkable - the rabid vibe itself, or the fact that rabid vibe seemed to come so effortlessly and naturally once the founding members joined forces. It's almost like it was meant to be. Across 16 tracks that vitality is laid bare in all its ferocious glory. And while it's great to hear the origin stories behind some of the DK's biggest songs - 'Kill The Poor', 'Holiday In Cambodia', 'Forward to Death' - it's perhaps more interesting getting to grips with the initial ideas that didn't come to fruition in the end. Either way, basking in the glory of an outfit with protest and anti-establishment attitude bleeding from every orifice still feels fantastic.