Sharon Jones and The Dap-Kings "Naturally" LP
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$ 19.99
What you get with any Daptone, Truth and Soul, Soul Fire or Desco release is serious no punches pulled gritty soul and funk with the same feel and sound as classic late 60's and early 70's soul. This music is not a gimmick. Nor is it like a cheesy 70's Blaxploitation soundtrack or a misjudged pseudo-soul acid jazz sounding record. There is quality and depth to these performances and heart and soul that goes as deep as anything you have ever heard. It is being created and listened to by people who are sick and tired of the sterile mass marketed soul-less dross that the music industry continues to spew forth nowadays. People like Sharon Jones, Lee Fields, Charles Bradley, Joseph Henry, Naomi Davis and the NYC collective of musicians is doing us a great service by creating sounds of such organic beauty and raw funkiness. What is great about this album is that, unlike Dap-Dippin', the music is way more varied; there are more ideas and more scope for lyrics with meaning. The biggest success of this album is that it proves to the critics that Sharon and the Daps are no one-trick ponies.