Nasti "Life is Nasti" LP
Iron Lung Records
Regular price
$ 17.99
Since we last heard from Washington's favorite punker party wreckers, they've have undergone a personnel change and quietly released a couple of limited cassettes but, most importantly, they have finally solidified themselves as a focused force of destruction hell bent on destroying any preconceived notions of what "hardcore" is supposed to be. Rest assured the deep disdain and power are still present but they've zeroed in on a path and stomp boldly forward. They've turned up the noise and the confusion a notch or 5 too without sacrificing any of the rage either. Damn, this one is mean. Life is mean. Life is NASTI.
vinyl housed in a tipon jacket with a poster, lyric sheet and download card included. Recorded by Joey Hidalgo. Mixed and mastered by Greg Wilkinson. Art by Riley Kerr.
vinyl housed in a tipon jacket with a poster, lyric sheet and download card included. Recorded by Joey Hidalgo. Mixed and mastered by Greg Wilkinson. Art by Riley Kerr.