Globsters "Express Everything" LP
SPHCThis record filled us with hope, broke us into pieces, and then reassembled us into new people. The saga of this almost-lost record is a long one for another time. For now, let's feel the joy and the relief that one of the most anticipated American punk records of the 10's (by me, at least) finally sees the light of day.
Tucked away in the farther recesses of Appalachia, Globsters has been quietly holding down the spirit of punk in the USA. It's been six years since the last record, and six years can do a lot to a man. Six years can result in ditching all the mid-tempo love songs, all the sing-alongs, all the funny business. Six years can brew a lot of negativity that can come out as an intimately dark hardcore record, lean and mean, as fast as possible, all tracks in the red and every setting max'd out. This LP sees Globsters as he is today: a complex, multifaceted individual that faces the negativity within himself with a smile and the negativity of the outside world with two fingers in the air.