Call Of The Void "A.Y.F.K.M." TAPE
Hand of DeathAYFKM is the stunning new five song EP from Colorado’s grinding hardcore cult CALL OF THE VOID! One part Pig Destroyer, one part Converge, all parts stunning. AYFKM (“Are you Fucking Kidding Me”) is comprised of the best material that CALL OF THE VOID has written to date.
"Call Of The Void’s sound is a potent cocktail of punk attitude and rock’n’roll swagger coated in a thick layer of sludge aggression. “AYFKM” is an intoxicating adrenaline rush that will keep you coming back for more until the band return with a larger dose of mayhem. " -Sludgelord
"As heavy as these songs are they are just as memorable as Call Of The Void imprints each song in your frontal lobe with a heavy hand. You can try all you want, but this EP will get stuck in your head if you even have a head left after listening to this destructive release." - Cadaver Garden